Gambia Project 2023

Educational support project for West African(Gambia) children
Sponsoring primary and secondary school education for children in Gambia through crowdfunding
서아프리카 감비아 어린이들의 교육 후원을 위한 클라우드 펀딩


Our goal is to sponsor Gambian children so they can afford the expenses necessary to attend primary and secondary school. In Gambia, 4/5 of primary school-age children, can’t attend school due to financial constraints. Although education is free, the costs of uniforms, meals, bags, and notebooks are often prohibitive for parents. As a result, many children are unable to attend school and, instead, work at minimum wage or help with livestock farming at home.

The average cost is approximately $40 per child for a full year of education.  STS has launched this fundraising project aimed at providing educational opportunities for children in Gambia, and through our collective effort, we hope to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these children.

STS는 교육의 기회를 갖기 어려운 감비아 어린이들에게 초등학교를 다닐 수 있도록 후원하여 어린이들에게 희망의 빛을 볼 수 있도록 작은 씨앗을 제공하고자 하였습니다.

Crowdfunding (OHMYCOMPANY)


The project was conducted over approximately 15 days, from August 1st to August 15th, 2020, through the crowdfunding platform Ohmycompany. The fundraising campaign was a resounding success, surpassing the set target by reaching 244% of its goal.

클라우드 펀딩 기관인 오마이컴퍼니를 통하여 STS 감비아 프로젝트를 온라인 리워드 방식으로 2023년 8월 1일 부터 15일까지 약 15일간 진행하였습니다. 펀딩모금은 244% 목표를 달성하여 성공리에 마감하였습니다.

STS collaborate with ‘Herbs Seoul'(Soap)

Shoulder To Shoulder (STS) partnered with Herbs Seoul to offer Herbs Seoul’s eco-friendly soap (All-in-one-wash, Pink Bar) as a reward to our supporters.

Shoulder To Shoulder(STS)는 허브스 서울(Herbs Seoul)과 협력하여 허브스 서울의 친환경 에코 비누(All-in-one-wash, Pink Bar)를 후원자들에게 리워드로 제공함으로서 펀딩 자금을 모았습니다.

Donation for Gambia Children (Gambia Shivano Center)

A total of 40 people participated through crowdfunding and offline sales, contributing 1.5 million won to the Gambia Shibano Center. We expressed our gratitude by sending thank-you letters, Gambian postcards, and stickers to the sponsors who took part.

Once again, we express a heartfelt thanks to our sponsors!



클라우드 펀딩과 오프라인 셀링 모금을 통해 총 40여명이 참여하였고 150만원의 후원금을 감비아 시바노센터에 기부하였습니다. 참여해주신 후원자분들께 리워드와 함게 감사 편지와 감비아 엽서와 스티커를 보내드렸습니다.  

다시 한번 후원자님들께 감사드립니다. 





About us

We are a group of high school students created with the goal of joining hands to help children around the world enjoy equal rights as human being.

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